We're back with a lot of new ideas

January 23, 2025

Connessioni is back for the official start of the 2025 season. Did you miss it? If you're wondering, we've spent this time in very different ways. We've rested, yes, but we've also put some "hay in the barn". 

We explored new markets, tested different tools, worked on new projects, welcomed new collaborators and then we did one of our own: we decided to be a guinea pig for a type of marketing that we always considered a bit “scammy”. We always took it for granted, but at Metrix we don’t like to take things for granted and so we asked ourselves: is it really all fluff or is there something good in it?

When it's easy, it can't be true

Let's face it: any of us, when we're offered "easy results", gets that tingling sensation in our necks that suggests that... come on, maybe it works. You know when you intercept that crazy offer on social media that you realize could be a scam, but then a little devil appears on one shoulder and says to the little angel on the other shoulder: "What if it's true? After all, you won't ruin yourself for a few euros, and what if you later find out that it's all true?" 

In our case we wanted to listen to the little devil, aware of falling into a trap, but we did it precisely to respond to all the customers who continued to tell us that they were tempted by a particularly skilled salesman who had talked about a special marketing technique that would have procured customers to the point of no longer being able to satisfy all the requests. All guaranteed, satisfied or refunded. "What does it cost me?" 

Connections is like your little guardian angel

Yeah, what does it cost you to try? Maybe it’s true. And we tried. We tested one of the many “magical” systems that allow you to find endless contacts, to generate business from nothing, without effort and without strain. The result? What we already knew, obviously. Because in the end, when we decide to opt for the short road, the easy one, we already know in advance what we are getting into. 

The problem is perhaps hidden in that universe of acronyms, anglicisms and acronyms that pseudo-gurus like so much, those who want to surprise and confuse the person in front of them. We, more prosaically, like to say that those who use artificially technical language do so only to throw smoke in the eyes and not make the person in front of them understand anything. In any case, under the cloak of "lead generation", "funnel marketing" and other very generic things, the dear and beloved telemarketing and email spamming was hidden once again. 

It would be like paying someone to go door-to-door selling. Would you call it “lead generation”? We wouldn’t, and in fact we soon understood what was behind it. 

So, if one day the little devil whispers in your ear that there is a quick and easy way to develop business, turn away. The little angel, the one on your left shoulder, will tell you on the contrary that customers do not fall from the sky, but are earned by working. Which is also a bit what Connessioni tells you. Do you see it? Connessioni is the guardian angel of your business! And it has returned to protect you throughout this 2025, certainly full of new opportunities and work.

Happy New Year!