Artificial intelligence is everywhere and is ready to replace us in any field of application. It has already replaced some tasks within companies and agencies. Repetitive, boring tasks that can be done in less time and with greater precision by a machine.
So far, we are not far from what computers have always promised us: greater efficiency, speed, precision at a lower cost. What we really did not expect, however, is that a machine was capable of creating. And these artificial intelligences, called precisely "generative”, in fact they generate, that is, they create.
Generative artificial intelligences, rather than creating, mix
So we discovered that there is the AI capable of generating perfect texts, translations, summaries and posts. Then there is the one (or those) capable of generating images, the one that generates videos, then the one that generates music etc. etc. All are very good at creating something that seems damn original, also because we give them the subject and therefore there is no doubt that it is something that did not exist before.
However, we now know well that the principle of any artificial intelligence tool is that of training coupled with a very sophisticated probabilistic calculation. These tools in fact lie, we discovered it shortly after the arrival of ChtGPT, rather than not answering, because their purpose is not to give a true answer, but to give the one that is as close as possible to the right one based on a probabilistic calculation.
Cutting, mincing and cooking is not creating
So artificial intelligences, which are based on learning models, study a huge amount of information and then mix it, following the order given by a simple, however sophisticated, calculation of probabilities. First a word, then another according to the probabilities that in a given context that word (always in most cases) will be followed by another and so on.
In light of this, it is easy to make the parallel that we have been pursuing since the title of this newsletter: Artificial intelligence is, basically, an excellent chef who will always and only be able to execute excellent recipes, perhaps made to perfection, but which another person has created.
That one, that is, the one who had the idea and the inspiration to study an original combination or a preparation method never tried before, is the chef. And the chef, in this culinary metaphor, can only be the human being, who will have the burden and the honor of being that perfect machine shaped by chance and who, thanks to chance, will be able to create what did not exist before.
The idea, the art, the originality is to the man as the chef is to the kitchen. And these tools, as amazing and very useful as they are, can only be that very good cook who knows how to reproduce to perfection, perhaps varying, but always along a well-dug furrow.
At Metrix, of course, we have both creatives who have the ability to create something new and unique, and highly skilled chefs who know how to translate the fruit of creative minds into practice. Because to make a good dish, after all, you need both.